Dolinsk deposit "Maximum" for a period of one to three years with % alef-bank service "Loyalty to traditions" from % per year (deposit from million rubles) bin bank deposit "According to europlan" with % for a period of year bank "Interaction" deposit "Safe" - % for a year post bank offers several profitable options at once:
"Seasonal" - for a period of year and % (deposit from , rubles) "Capital" - from six months to a year with a free card and % "Cumulative" - % and a flexible accumulative system, you can to existing mobile number list have withdraw amounts quarterly, deposit - from "People's" bank rosselkhozbank offers a rate of to percent:the most profitable of them is in the investment
Deposit ( % for six months or a year, from , "Gold premium" will enrich the owners of one and a half million rubles by % classic" deposit offers % with a minimum deposit of rubles vtb varies between the average rate and favorable conditions:deposit "Profitable-telebank" - every month an income of % of ,, rubles is paid, for a period of months.
Deposit "Cumulative" - , rubles and % "Comfortable" - % for a period of six months and a minimum of , alfa bank the bet size is about the same as that of its main competitors, but the level of its reputation is much higher, it offers deposits: life line.