Chris: Two things came to mind. One is this: Businesses think they need to redesign their website without thinking about content strategy and video strategy. You need a strategy to make this website valuable to your customers. If you think that simply refreshing your website will solve your problem, this is not the case. It has to be a "package" approach.
Again, you have to start with a team. Another thing is putting money into advertising without a strategy behind it, and there are no websites industry mailing list tools that can really help you build relationships and build trust with your customers. John: So how does a business know the difference? How can they not be swayed by shiny objects? Chris:
Be careful. If someone promises you a whole bunch of leads at once, that could be a red flag. If someone promises you any kind of golden ticket or magic pill, it's probably not right. At the end of the day, a successful digital sales and marketing program will bring a lot of work to your organization. That's it. The difference between someone who thrives and someone who just survives is that someone who thrives put in the effort and gets the job done.